
Corona Special

March 15, 2020

In this episode of The Radio Vagabond, I dive into the current situation in the world, my own, and the effect it has on my travelling friends around the world.

It’s Sunday, March 15th 2020.

This is a special episode where we dive into the situation of the world right now. Both my own and the effect it has on my travelling friends around the world.

How should I react to my government’s recommendations?


  • Toti from Italian Trip Abroad. He’s an Italian living in London.
  • Nick and Margherita from The Crowded Planet. They are in Milan, Italy.
  • Becky Gillespie from The School of Travels Podcast. She’s an American in Japan.
  • Torbjørn Pedersen from Once Upon A Saga. A Dane travelling to every country in the world without flying. He is stranded in Hong Kong.
  • Bill Osei Akomea from Ghana. An attorney living in Berlin. He’s also the co-founder of the organization Plight of the Child, caring for unprivileged children in Ghana.
  • Monica Mzungu from Kenya. She’s running the travel agency Scenery Adventures.
  • Nadine, a French teacher from Mauritius that just travelled to China where she lives.



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