
The 7 Must-See Wonders 

May 25, 2024

Let's explore the wonders of Tokyo, from the bustling Tsukiji Fish Market to the serene Meiji Shrine, the vibrant Ueno Park and Zoo, and the iconic Tokyo Tower. Discover the futuristic allure of Odaiba, the tech paradise of Akihabara, and the electric energy of Shibuya Crossing. Each of these seven wonders offers a unique glimpse into Tokyo’s dynamic blend of tradition and modernity. Ready for a thrilling journey? Let's dive in!

Welcome back to our special series, “Vagabond Shorts.” They’re designed to complement our regular, in-depth travel episodes on my podcast, that I’ll keep delivering every “Travel Tuesday”. So, sit back and enjoy these bite-sized nuggets of travel wisdom, perfect for your on-the-go lifestyle. 

Today, we’re diving headfirst into the awe-inspiring wonders of Tokyo. Get ready for a thrilling ride that will have you gripping the edge of your seat! 

My name is Palle Bo, and this is The Radio Vagabond. The 7 Must-See Wonders in Tokyo. 

Tsukiji Fish Market

Welcome to Tsukiji Fish Market – a food lover’s paradise. It’s the world’s largest fish market and one of Tokyo’s biggest attractions.  

The so-called Inner Market is the place of serious business, not really designed for tourists, and this part moved to the new Toyosu Fish Market in October 2018. The Outer Market that I’m focusing on here is still in its original location.  

It’s like stepping into a bustling marketplace filled with bright lights and energetic vendors. Neon signs light up the aisles, creating a colourful and lively scene. Vendors are buzzing with excitement, showing off their fresh catches like they’re in a cooking competition. Everywhere you look, there’s a feast for your senses. Sushi rolls in every colour imaginable and sashimi so fresh it practically jumps onto your plate. The atmosphere is electric, charged with anticipation. You can almost taste the excitement in the air.  

Get ready for a culinary adventure like no other. Your taste buds will thank you as you enjoy a symphony of flavours that will stay with you long after you’ve left this foodie haven. So, don’t forget to bring your appetite – there’s plenty here to satisfy even the hungriest of foodies! Grab a plate, tuck in, and enjoy every delicious bite. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed. 

Meiji Shrine 

Come find peace away from the busy city at Meiji Shrine in the western part of Tokyo. Walk through its big wooden gate into a calm forest. Tall cedar trees give shade, and prayer plaques move gently in the wind. As you get closer to the shrine, you feel really calm, like you’re far from Tokyo’s bright lights. Try some ancient Shinto rituals, let the fountain water wash over you, and watch locals pray – it shows how important old traditions are.  

The Meiji Shrine is like a quiet garden for your soul. Take a deep breath and soak in Japanese culture. With big trees around and quiet all around, you can see that this place connects the present to Tokyo’s spiritual past. It asks you to stop, think, and find peace in the busy city. You’ll feel like you’ve stepped into a different world, away from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo. It’s a chance to slow down and appreciate the simple things.  

So, take your time, wander the peaceful paths, and let the serenity of Meiji Shrine rejuvenate your spirit. 

Ueno Park and Zoo 

Ueno Park and Zoo are real treasures in the heart of Tokyo. In spring, the park becomes a beautiful pink paradise because of cherry blossoms – it’s like a stunning painting that doesn’t last long. As you stroll around, you’ll find peaceful ponds where turtles, white polar bears, pink flamingos, and cute pandas live. It’s a great mix of nature and fun, and another refreshing break from Tokyo’s busy streets.  

Ueno Park and Zoo are important parts of Tokyo’s natural beauty and entertainment. Every step you take here feels like adding colour to a painting, inviting you to enjoy this ever-changing urban oasis. Finish off your visit with a calm boat ride on Shinobazu Pond, maybe on a pedal or a rowing boat.  

And if you’re feeling hungry, there are plenty of snack stalls around offering tasty treats to keep you energised for more exploring. So, grab a snack, sit back, and soak in the beauty of Ueno Park and Zoo – it’s a day out you’ll remember warmly for years to come. 

Vagabond Shorts Also as Videos

As something new, these Vagabond Shorts are also as videos on The Radio Vagabond on YouTube.

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Tokyo Tower 

Welcome to Tokyo Tower, a tall building that really stands out in the city skyline. It looks a lot like the Eiffel Tower – only painted in white and international orange to comply with air safety regulations. Tokyo Tower is not just a little copy of the tower in Paris. It’s actually slightly higher than the Eiffel Tower.  

Head up to the observation deck, and you’ll see Tokyo spread out below you. It’s like looking at a tiny, futuristic city, with busy streets and lots of bright lights, all visible through big glass windows. At night, Tokyo becomes even more amazing, like a magical fairyland with its bright lights shining against the dark sky.  

Built in 1958, Tokyo Tower is a proud symbol of the city’s greatness and importance. And the view from up here is absolutely amazing. Tokyo is a city that’s always busy, and even its tall buildings seem alive with energy. Standing on top of Tokyo Tower, you really get a sense of how big and diverse Tokyo is. It stretches out below you like a beautiful carpet of lights and activity, capturing your attention at every moment.  

And if you’re lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of Mount Fuji in the distance, adding to the breath-taking panorama. 


Come take a trip across Tokyo Bay to Odaiba, a place that feels like it’s straight out of a sci-fi movie. It’s on a man-made island and has tall buildings you can see from Rainbow Bridge. Odaiba is all about being modern, with cool designs and creative buildings. Imagine shopping centres with glass pyramids floating inside and a huge statue of Gundam, like something from a futuristic movie.  

It’s a mix of high-tech stuff and fun, like a theme park from the future. When you step foot here, it’s like stepping into a world where the future is real, not just an idea but something you can see and touch. At night, Odaiba becomes even more amazing with lots of bright neon lights, making it feel like you’re in a dream.  

Every step you take here is like turning a page in Tokyo’s incredible journey towards the future, promising loads of cool stuff to discover and remember in this futuristic place.  

Akihabara – Electric Town 

Akihabara, aka Electric Town, is Tokyo’s neon-soaked, techy paradise where the future popped in for a visit and decided to stick around. Picture streets buzzing with J-Pop and lined with manga billboards, a haven for anyone who’s ever lost hours in a video game or debated anime plot twists. 

Here, shopping is an adventure. You can get everything from the latest robot tech to retro video games and even light-up shoelaces, all before popping into a maid café. Yes, that’s a café where waitresses in cute, frilly dresses serve up smiles and snacks with a performance. 

It’s not just about geeking out over gadgets; Akihabara is a cultural melting pot. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer, a collector, or just plain curious, you’re in good company. Everyone’s diving into their own slice of this electronic wonderland, united by a love for all things geek. 

So, if you’re up for a dive into a world where tech and anime reign supreme, Akihabara’s your spot. Just be ready to explain your eclectic haul when you get home! 

Shibuya Crossing 

Welcome to Shibuya Crossing – the busiest pedestrian crossing in the world and the lively heart of Tokyo. As you get closer, you’ll see lots of bright lights that make it feel like you’re in the future. The crossing itself is the main event, with lots of people going in all directions, like a big dance. On average 2,500 people cross here every 3.5 minutes. 

Tall buildings watch over everything, making it all feel even more impressive. Despite the busy scene, there’s a buzzing energy in the air that makes everyone feel alive.  

Stay a while and you’ll see Shibuya change throughout the day – from the busy morning rush to the lively nightlife, each moment has its own special feel. It’s a great people watching spot too. Take it all in and enjoy the mix of people. It’s a place where the city’s pulse beats strongest, and where you can truly feel the rhythm of Tokyo’s energy. 

Want to come to Tokyo with me? 

And that concludes our Tokyo tour, and I can’t wait to go back there in October, when I’m joining the Nomad Cruise from Vancouver in Canada to Tokyo.  

The Nomad Cruise is a conference on a ship for nomads and people who like to travel a lot and maybe work as you travel – like I do. 

Go to NomadCruise.com and check out some of their videos and read more about what it’s all about. If you want to join us on that trip, you can get 100 Euros off your price if you use the code “RadioVagabond”. 

I’ll be back Tuesday with another longer podcast episode from my journey to every country in the world.  

My name is Palle Bo, and I gotta keep moving. See you. 


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The Radio Vagabond is produced by RadioGuru. Reach out if you need help with your podcast. 

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