
GEORGIA (3:3): 
The Operation Abroad That Changed Everything

October 24, 2024

This episode is all about Cynthia’s recovery from an arm injury while traveling in Georgia.
It’s a story of unexpected surgeries, post-op surprises, and resilience.

When a Simple Check-Up

Turns into a Major Operation in Georgia

In this special episode of The Radio Vagabond, we take a detour from my usual destination stories to something much more personal – and, frankly, unexpected. You might remember Cynthia, my travel buddy, who had a bad traffic accident back in Baku, Azerbaijan. Her arm was badly injured, and we fled the country after a close call with some potentially corrupt cops.

Fast forward to Georgia. What was meant to be a quick hospital check-up turned into a whole saga of surgeries, medical confusion, and a lot of unexpected twists. We even went on a little road trip after she was discharged – and yes, she’s one tough cookie.

A Routine Check-Up? Not So Much…

The drama began when we arrived at the private hospital in Tbilisi for a check-up. What was supposed to be a routine follow-up turned into a day-long wait. They had originally planned to send us away because the doctors were occupied with a complex surgery, but after some pleading (and showing X-rays from the botched setting in Azerbaijan), Cynthia managed to see a surgeon. Little did we know, this wouldn’t just be a quick visit.

The next thing we knew, the doctor, a top orthopaedic surgeon named Dr. David, told us they were going to perform surgery on her arm right away. Cynthia had expected just a couple of pins, but suddenly we were talking titanium plates and screws. The gravity of the situation hit us fast.

Into the Operating Room:

Cold Theatre with Mysterious Murals

The surgery took place in what they called the “operating theatre.” Cynthia recalls it being as cold as a freezer in there, with doctors wearing fleece jackets under their scrubs to keep warm. One quirky detail that stood out: there was a massive mural on the wall, showing a beautiful Georgian landscape – except, as Dr. David said sadly, it was part of the land controlled by Russia.

The Hospital Bill:

A Pleasant Surprise

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking – this must have been crazy expensive. Well, surprisingly not. The entire procedure, including the stay and follow-up appointments, cost a fraction of what it would in the U.S. And when Cynthia had a follow-up at cardiology, they even threw in a same-day appointment, just to be helpful. How’s that for service?

Doctor’s Orders:

More Lemonade, Less Wine

Usually, Cynthia enjoys the odd glass of wine, especially here in Georgia, the cradle of wine. But this time, it’s doctor’s orders: no alcohol. She’s been told to stick to lemonade for a week after her operation. This is tied to everything she’s been through with her arm surgery, which we’ll get into more in this episode. It’s safe to say this wasn’t the relaxing time we had planned!

Happy with lemonade

So, Was It Worth It?

In the days after the surgery, Cynthia started to feel a little better, and we hit the road for a short trip through Georgia’s stunning landscapes. She still had check-ups every few days, and Dr. David himself oversaw each one – which, again, is not something you’d expect for the price she paid.

A Shocking Discovery:

It Wasn’t All Smooth Sailing

But the story doesn’t end here. When Cynthia got back to Florida and had a final check-up, she found out that the operation wasn’t as successful as it first seemed.

After the surgery in Georgia, Cynthia felt hopeful that everything was finally on the mend. Dr. David and his team had reassured us that the procedure went well, and her arm was full of titanium screws and plates, something that was supposed to give her more mobility and less pain.

But, like any major surgery, recovery can be unpredictable. When Cynthia finally returned to Florida for a final check-up, she got some news that took her by surprise – the bones weren’t aligned as perfectly as they should have been. To make matters worse, she was told that this could cause lasting mobility issues.

It wasn’t the fairy-tale ending we hoped for, and Cynthia had to come to terms with the fact that this surgery, which felt like a relief at the time, didn’t fix everything. But she’s resilient, and her attitude toward the whole situation has been nothing short of inspiring.

The Emotional Toll:

Traveling While Recovering

Traveling and recovering from a serious operation aren’t exactly the perfect mix. We hit the road not long after Cynthia’s surgery, exploring Georgia’s stunning countryside and its rich wine culture. But throughout the trip, it was clear that her arm wasn’t healing as expected.

She often had to take breaks, rest up, and miss out on a few activities. Despite it all, Cynthia stayed positive. There’s something about being surrounded by beautiful landscapes that puts everything into perspective, even if you’re nursing a sore arm.

Even happier with wine

The Journey to Acceptance

Part of this story is about more than just medical facts and recovery timelines. It’s about acceptance. Cynthia had to come to grips with the fact that her arm might never be exactly the same again. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but she’s taken it in stride.

In one particularly candid moment, Cynthia admitted that while this whole experience hasn’t been easy, she wouldn’t let it hold her back. She’s still going to keep traveling, keep exploring, and keep living her life to the fullest – titanium pins and all.

What’s Next for Cynthia?

The road to recovery doesn’t end in one episode or one surgery. Cynthia has a long journey ahead, filled with physical therapy, follow-up appointments, and adjusting to life with her “new” arm. But if there’s one thing we’ve learned from this experience, it’s that she’s a fighter. And this won’t slow her down – not for long, anyway.

This episode has been all about Cynthia’s ongoing recovery and the challenges she’s facing. It’s not the typical travel story you might expect from The Radio Vagabond, but I hope you found it just as engaging. It’s been a real look at what can happen when you’re travelling, and things don’t go according to plan.

But like all good stories, it’s filled with resilience, perseverance, and a lot of heart. Have you had any mishaps on your trips and how did you overcome them? Let me know on The Radio Vagabond on Facebook or by sending me a message.

My name is Palle Bo, and I gotta keep moving.


Please tell me where are you and what are you doing as you listen to this episode? You can either send me an email on listener@theradiovagabond.com, go to TheRadioVagabond.com/Contact or send me a voice message by clicking on the banner.

Either way, I would love to hear from you. It’s so nice to know who’s on the other end of this.


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The Radio Vagabond is produced by RadioGuru. Reach out if you need help with your podcast. 

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