
Rolf Potts, Vagabonding

October 12, 2018

In this episode of The Radio Vagabond, I interviewed one of my heroes, Rolf Potts, who inspired a lot of my planning to go travelling as well as calling myself The Radio Vagabond.

Before I started traveling, I listened to a lot of travel podcasts, watched a lot of travel YouTube channels and bought a lot of travel books – both audiobooks, e-books, and paper books.

One book I got in both the audio and the paper version. That book was Vagabonding by Rolf Potts, and it inspired me to call myself The Radio Vagabond.

I met Rolf Potts at the travel media conference TravelCon in Austin Texas just before he was to give the closing keynote in front of a room full of travel bloggers, YouTubers, and podcasters.

It was fantastic to meet one of my heroes. One who inspired me a lot in my planning to go traveling. If you want to be inspired too, get the book Vagabonding. In my opinion, it’s the best book about living this lifestyle. Period.

Find the paper version on Amazon and the audiobook on Audible.

Next Friday you can listen in as I talk to another guy that has inspired me a lot. I started listening to his podcast Extra Pack of Peanuts, and he’s got a company and another podcast with our mutual friend Jason Moore from Zero-to-Travel called Travel Indi and through their project “The Paradise Pack” they help people live a location independent lifestyle. He’s even got an app that helps you find cheap flights called Jetto. He’s an overall nice guy, and his name is Travis Sherry.

On Monday morning you’ll get another regular travel podcast where I’m heading to Washington DC, and pass through Charlottesville. You know the city where there were “fine people on both sides”, according to Trump. I had to pass through to see the notorious statues.

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